Friday, October 24, 2008


Do you think any men in the world have no financial problems? So many people are facing the money problems today? Is it really because of high living expenses and the gap between the “haves and the have-nots” driving people to live outside of their means? All peoples are hard working for money, enough to satisfy their basic needs then wanted to lead a luxurious life.Many human beings seek financial counseling for answers, and some who take that route do find solutions which help them begin to live as their dream.

Correcting money problems is a matter of being a good of being a good steward of the resources . This is a learned skill and begins with the choice to be the master of money rather than allowing money to master us. Day per day daily expences are increasing,at the same time people searching curiously more and more money to lead their life . We do not break the habit of debt through earning more money, but rather we break any habit by replacing it with a better one. How do we find the self-discipline it takes to correct our money troubles?A person is working overtime or two jobs and still can’t cover your living expenses and minimum interest payments, you’ve got money problems. But don’t despair,thousands of people are in the same situation.

Money is not only dollars and cents, it is also a symbol of personal attitudes toward life. In a marriage, the first essential step is to acquire financial attitudes that will harmonize with what you and your spouse want out of life. As a rule, happily married people are successful not because they have no problems, but because they have learned how to face problems and arrive at working solutions.

More money will not necessarily give you more happiness and contentment in life; but it can, provided you learn to manage it. You may not realize that quite a few money problems can stem from your emotions. Over-indebtedness is one of the biggest money management problems families face. Many over-indebted families have always been in debt. They add to loans or installment debts when the balance is almost paid, and consequently, are continuously paying interest charges.

Many families do not talk about money management until they have problems. An already shaky family relationship can get worse under the impact of money problems and heavy debts. Soon after marriage, a couple may incur big debts because of too many purchases or commitments. Then they might be faced with a medical emergency, a cut in pay or unemployment. Up until the emergency occurred, the problem may not have been serious. However, as creditors press for payments and the budget tightens, quarrels begin.

You probably have noticed that different people have different attitudes about money. Some people want to collect as much as they can, while others want to buy as many goods and services as they can. Most people strike a balance somewhere between these two extremes. These attitudes are developed early in life. A husband and wife may have conflicting attitudes toward the importance and use of money.

Good family relationships and economic security are greatly dependent upon values and attitudes towards money. It is not how much money you have, but what you do with it and how you feel about it. When conflict about financial matters exists between parents, children will not likely develop sound attitudes.

It is not necessarily a matter of who is right or wrong, but it could result from changing values and attitudes that have developed over the years. Children reflect their parent's attitudes.

Basic physical needs are shelter, clothing and food. Wants are desires for more than the basics in life. Wants are often expressed in terms of material things like a video recorder, a remote control television or a swimming pool.Now let us glance briefly at the American family in the money world, and highlight a few of the meanings and uses of money in different phases of the family lifecycle. Just as there is a cycle of growth, development, maturation, and decline in the life of an individual, there is also a cycle for family life. The cycle is marked by the stages of marriage, the birth of children, their launching, the return of parents to the childless state, and the death of each spouse.

The degree of needs and wants changes in different phases of this family lifecycle. For example, shelter for the beginning family (a young couple) might be a rented apartment. The expanding family with pre-school and grade school children may prefer a single family house for shelter. A retired couple may feel that their family house is too big and opt for a smaller dwelling with less maintenance.

Families need to develop and understand their attitudes toward money, and decide what true personal or material value means to them, and then they need to clearly define their goals for economic security. To achieve economic security, each family needs to work out the answers to the questions:
· What will you spend your money on?
· What do you really need?
· Are you so busy trying to achieve economic security that you have lost sight of what it is?

Goal-setting is one of the first steps in a financial management program. Goals provide incentives for good management. One reason many people fail financially is because they have no long-term goals for which to strive. As a result, their lives and their income are frittered away.

Some goals are attainable immediately, some are attainable in the near future, while others are sought for a long period of time. Make your goals definite and attainable. Clearly-defined goals not only encourage the wise use of family resources, but also stimulate the cooperation of those who set the goals. Goal-setting is a continual process, and new goals should be formulated as situations change.

While most people strive to be self-supporting, they may find it impossible to manage at times. Unemployment, loss of the family's breadwinner due to death, divorce or desertion, old age, loss of investment, disability or illness beyond the ability of the family. For those in financial distress who have no legally-responsible relatives able to assist them, a number of assistance programs have been established. Local agencies provide supplementary assistance. State and local institutions are available for the care of the indigent elderly, the orphaned and certain disabled persons.

Debt is one of the biggest problems with money. Sometimes it is because we continue to spend more money than we have. At other times, it may be due to the wrong actions of others. Debt always brings much stress and worry. Money causes many temptations; sometimes when we are lacking money, but other times even when we have enough. We can be tempted to steal money from our place of work.

'Peer pressure' also causes us to want more money. We feel that if others - our 'peers' - have things, we are under pressure to have them also, so that we do not seem different. This is equally true in poor societies as well as rich ones. And every day, we see adverts telling us that we can only find happiness through buying that new thing. Gambling in the hope of more money is a big problem in many societies. Today, most countries have a National Lottery. Everyone hopes for the 'big one'. But gambling is like a drug - it is addictive.

In a human life lots of problems coming one of the most important problem is money.This site gives you more guides to solve money preblems and financial problems by exploiting financial system legally visit

1 comment:

Tracie said...

You can't get along in this world without money. We all ought to both save and spend at the same time. To obtain and keep money we have to be savvy. There is responsibility that goes with the money management
. No matter what you earn, it's easier than you believe to take control of your money. A few simple things done regularly can really make a lot of difference.Here is program which helps you get a better handle on your money allowing you to experience more freedom than you have had before.